letter for customers to beware of illegal companies under guise of novel 警惕不法商家假借novel名义行商提示函 -凯发k8一触即发发表时间:2022-09-21 15:25 open letter reminding customers to beware of illegal companies under guise of novel 关于提醒客户警惕不法商家假借novel名义行商提示函 dear customers, 尊敬的广大客户: thank you for your consistent technical recognition and mutual recommendation on the excellent performance of novel‘s separation technologies and equipment in the practical application of your projects through novel proprietary accurate dynamic separation calculation and configuration design system platforms in recent years. 感谢贵方近年采用我公司通过专有精准动力学分离计算和组态设计系统平台设计制造的分离技术设备并得到贵方技术认同肯定和相互推荐! recently, customers told us there were some illegal companies to push their fake products to customers under the name of novel authorization or technical solutions from the famous expert in beijing mr. luo li who had transferred from novel and joined the illegal companies in order to make customers trust the fake products. 近来,有客户告知说遭遇某些不法企业假借名义获得我公司授权或虚构获得加盟到其公司的北京专家罗力先生技术方案骗取客户信任而对外推销假冒伪劣产品。 herein, in order to avoid the economic loss caused by the illegal fake counterfeits and delicts mentioned, we novel would like to favorably declare to all customers that mr. luo li has been engaged in the position of chief engineer in novel energy technologies (beijing) co. ltd since 2015 for his many years famous reputation in dynamic separation industry, and even today mr. luo li has been in the position of the corporate legal representative and the managing director in novel energy technologies (beijing) co. ltd., which evidentially shows that mr. luo li has been in novel and never transferred from novel to rejoin and serve any other companies except novel. if some companies say that their products with technologies have been authorized by novel or their technical solutions have been made by mr. luo li himself, please let the companies bring forth the certificate of authorization with signature of mr. luo li and issued by novel. moreover, we novel call on our customers to actively resist them and provide us with information clues about the fake and the illegal. our company will firmly select the legal approaches to defend the common interests of our customers and novel. for information about the fake counterfeits and illegal delicts as above, please contact us novel and mr. luo li as following: 为避免广大客户遭受某些不法企业推销假冒伪劣产品导致的经济损失,在此,我公司向广大客户善意声明:正是由于罗力先生多年来在动力学分离技术领域斐然声誉,罗力先生自2015年以来一直担任诺卫能源技术(北京)有限公司总工程师,现在他还担任诺卫能源技术(北京)有限公司法定代表人和执行董事,由此表明罗力先生仍就职于诺卫能源技术(北京)有限公司而并未自诺卫能源技术(北京)有限公司转而加入其它任何公司效力。如客户遇到某些企业说其技术产品得到我公司授权或其技术方案出自罗力先生,请让其出示由我公司法定代表人罗力先生签名并由我公司出版的授权书以证真伪。并且,我公司呼吁广大客户积极抵制假冒伪劣,并向我公司提供有关信息线索,我公司将坚定采取法律手段捍卫广大客户及我公司共同利益。有关信息线索,请按照如下方式向我公司及罗力先生本人核实: email: info1@novelseparationtech.com or 13522681138@163.com. 邮箱: info1@novelseparationtech.com or 13522681138@163.com hotline: 86- 010 5266 7338. 热线电话: 86- 010-5266 7338 qq: 2755 9047 53 mobile phone number of mr. luo li: 86-13811739448. 罗力先生手机号码: 86-13811739448
novel energy technology (beijing) co., ltd. 诺卫能源技术(北京)有限公司 sep 21, 2022 2022年9月21日
sep 21, 2022 2022年9月21日